Monday, July 2, 2007

Co-workers Retirement

I love this card making thing. I am so glad that a friend got me into it. I guess that I should send her another thank you card, because it is just so much fun. We had a coworker retire last week after 20+ years with the city. She was such a neat person and I am glad that I got the chance to work with her. She does not or did not work in the same department, but the last major project that I was working on I got to work a little with her and am thankful. Now that I have lost weight - post baby - she gave me advice on how to take my pants in so that I did not have to go out and buy all new pants, for which I am very thankful... So here is the card that I made for her. It says Imagine on the front and inside - which I forgot to take a picture of - Life without the city... What an Adventure!

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